Oplysninger om transaktionsrapporteringssystemet TRSII.

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Værdipapirhandlere, dataindberetningstjenester (ARM) samt markedspladser, der skal foretage transaktionsindberetninger til Finanstilsynet i medfør af MiFIR artikel 26, skal registreres af Finanstilsynet samt oprettes i Finanstilsynets TRS system, herefter kaldet TRSII.

På denne side informerer Finanstilsynet om IT-systemet, TRSII, med bl.a. informationer om test, produktion, XML versioner, fejlkoder og status på drift. Vi tilstræber at holde informationerne løbende opdateret.

TRSII blev sat i produktion den 3. januar 2018.

Vigtig information

Tilmelding til produktion

For at få adgang til produktionsmiljøet bedes følgende udført:

  1. Læs vedlagte vejledning
  2. Udfyld og send vedlagte blanket til Finanstilsynet
  3. Send SSH nøglepar til Progressive på support@trsii.dk


XML schema version
Schema in use: https://www.esma.europa.eu/document/transaction-reporting-xml-schema-110


Kendte fejl

  • Ingen


TRSII er kørende alle dage, undtagen:

Hverdage: 00:00 til 05:00

Weekend og helligdage: 12:00 til 24.00 

Vi kan have behov for at lukke systemet ned mellem 05:00 – 24:00 for at udføre service på IT-systemet og i sådanne tilfælde giver vi besked her på hjemmesiden. Vær opmærksom på, at systemet ikke behandler lokale filer i perioden 08:00 til 10:00 på hverdage grundet indlæsning af referencedata fra ESMA.

Kontakt og åbningstid

Drift og tekniske henvendelser vedrørende TRSII systemet: support@trsii.dk

Juridiske henvendelser vedrørende MiFIR: post4@ftnet.dk

Hverdage fra 09:00 til 15:00

Vigtig information


Normal drift. 

De XML-skemabeskrivelser, der bruges til rapportering, findes på ESMAs hjemmeside. Rapporteringsplatformen er version 1.1.0.

Tilmelding til test

For deltagelse i testen bedes følgende udført:

  1. Læs vedlagte vejledning
  2. Udfyld og send vedlagte blanket til Finanstilsynet
  3. Send SSH nøglepar til Progressive på support@trsii.dk


XML schema version

Schema in use: https://www.esma.europa.eu/document/transaction-reporting-xml-schema-110

Test cases

Følgende test cases bedes gennemført under testen:

Gennemfør vedlagte test cases

Kendte fejl 


De to testmiljøer Test 1 og Test 2 er tilgængelige hele døgnet, men da de løbende bliver opdateret, kan der forekomme perioder, hvor de ikke er tilgængelige. Hvis de går ned uden for normal åbningstid, startes de først op igen i åbningstiden. Der ydes ikke support på testmiljøerne uden for åbningstiden.  

Kontakt og åbningstid

Kontakt på e-mail adresse

Drift og tekniske henvendelser vedrørende TRSII systemet: support@trsii.dk

Juridiske henvendelser vedrørende MiFIR: post4@ftnet.dk 

Hverdage fra 09:00 til 15:00

Opgraderings annoncering

Materiale fra informationsmøder

Informationsmøde 10-05-17

Informationsmøde 01-12-16


Funktionel information

Feedback filer

FF files (first feedback file on report file):
< BizMsgIdr> will follow the following schema:  <SEIC>_<ORI><YYMMDD><RFSEQ><FFSEQ>
Example: Feedback file name: FF_TR_353800XVAQXELVCPC871_01_20170407_0092_01.ZIP
< BizMsgIdr>: 353800XVAQXELVCPC871_01170407009201
FD files (feedback on transaction reports that have not previously been accepted or rejected and the FD-files are therefore not specific to a single TR file hence its own sequence numbering):
< BizMsgIdr> will follow the following schema:  <SEIC>_<ORI><YYMMDD><FDSEQ>
Example: Feedback file name: FD_TR_353800XVAQXELVCPC871_01_20170407_0136.ZIP
< BizMsgIdr>: 353800XVAQXELVCPC871_01201704070136

FD files:
< MsgRptIdr> will follow the schema: <SEIC>_<ORI><YYYYMMDD><RFSEQ>
Example: Report file name: TR_353800XVAQXELVCPC871_01_20170407_0136.ZIP
< MsgRptIdr>: 353800XVAQXELVCPC871_011704070136

Transaction identification in feedback files is a concatenation of EE LEI and the Transaction reference number.

Nationale fejlkoder

Information om nationale fejlkode fra TRSII, hvor AA er landekoden i det pågældende land.
Danmark har landekode "DK"


Error code

Error message

Explanation and corrective action

Filee name syntax1


The file name has an illegal syntax.

Correct the filename so that it complies to the file name convention.

Invalid date


The date does not exist or is in the future.

Correct the date.



The file has already been submitted.

The duplicate file is ignored. If the file comprises new transaction reports, include them in a report file with a different sequence number.

File extension


The file has an illegal extension.

Correct the filename so that it complies to the file name convention.

File size


The file is larger than the allowed [x] MB.

Split the report file into two or more report files.



The signature is not recognised as a valid signature.

Check and correct the signature of the file. The signing key might be outdated or unknown to us. Also make sure the correct signature algorithm has been used.



The file has an unknown signer.

The signer is unknown to us. Check and correct the signature of the file.



The file can’t be decrypted.

Ensure that the file is properly encrypted. Check the encryption keys you are using or your encryption program. The encryption key might be outdated or unknown to us. Also make sure the correct hashing algorithm has been used



The file can’t be decompressed.

Check that the compression comply to the allowed compression method



The file is not properly signed.

Ensure that the file is properly signed. Check the keys you are using. The key might be outdated or unknown to us.



The SEIC is invalid.

Correct the SEIC in the file so that it is a valid legal entity identifier as defined in ISO 17442.

Recipient country


The recipient country, specified in the header, is incorrect Ensure that the recipient is the country code of the country of the CA to which the file is submitted

Report file name


The report file name is incorrect.

Correct the name of the compressed report file so that it matches the name of the archive file and has the proper extension.

One report file per archive


The archive file does not contain only one report file

Correct the contents of the archive file so that it contains only one report file.

Reporter allowed


The Submitting Entity is not authorised to report on behalf of the Executing Entity.

Ensure that it has been registered by the Executing Entity or the FSA that the Submitting Entity is authorised to report on behalf of the Executing Entity.

SEIC AAX-017 The SEIC is incorrect Correct the SEIC so that it is the LEI of the Submitting entity
Submitting Entity in BAH AAX-018 The Submitting entity, specified in the header, is incorrect Ensure that the Submitting Entity in the header, is the LEI of the Submitting Entity that submitted the file
Submitting Entity in report AAX-019 The Submitting Entity, specified in the report, is not the one that submitted the file Ensure that the Submitting Entity Identification code in the report, is the LEI of the Submitting Entity that submitted the file



Link til ESMA’s hjemmeside


Senest opdateret 25-08-2023